Hello Reader.  I appreciate the hundreds of thousands of visits over the past few years, from individuals and institutions around the world.  I found it helpful to try out new ideas, even as I advanced and refined them in more employable domains.   Many notions explored here were intended to be a little provocative, and they sometimes found nurturing independent environments where they continue to grow,  add value, and overturn convention.

But I will try to strike a working balance between introducing novel scientific notions in this blog and the publication requirements in other areas of my work.  That’s why so many of my recent posts have only been visible for a few days and then disappeared.  I think of an idea, develop it, and then I must apply that somewhere else.  And so I must more and more frequently convert public posts to private ones.  I’ll be converting some more of my past hundred or so posts to “private” mode over the next month.   Since these posts were already published here in the past, naturally I will still retain copyrights and attribution rights for all novel content and ideas.

I’m still working things out.  I may flip the switch back on every now and then.  Or I may offer more consolidated content for a fee.  If you have a professional/institutional need for subject matter expertise in hydroclimatology or other fields featured here, my contact page is the best way to follow up.

I’ll miss writing unbridled posts about solar coronas, seasonal respiratory viruses, ocean pH, glaciers, lightning, latent heat, rain and evaporation, the tropopause, paleoclimates, giant environmental projects, modeling, experiments, histories of science, agriculture, reservoirs, snow, ice packs, bogus environmental notions, geostrophic atmospheres and watery domains, planetary climates, ozone holes, sea levels, and sunspots.  But I’m always happy to help clients on any such topic, and I won’t stop working on many of these topics elsewhere.

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