MW&A provides forensic, forecasting, analysis, auditing and expert witness consulting services in the earth sciences
2025 Update The extensive testimony and related support featured in the following two projects in Northwestern New Mexico were precursors to a major water development project now planned for that greater community and detailed at
Tó eii be ‘iiná át ‘ é Water is Life Award
1999 Eastern Navajo Community presented this environmental justice award for my expert witness work in helping to protect their sole-source water supply from a proposed in situ leachate (ISL) uranium mine which was planned within the same aquifer, only a few thousand feet away. Up to 15,000 residents in the region make weekly trips (some driving as far as 50 miles) to a handful of water supply wells tapping into the aquifer of concern, for their drinking and washing needs. Over a semi-decade, I demonstrated the risk that the proposed mine posed to that water resource and successfully sustained my assertions against over half a dozen opposing expert witnesses and the support of lawmakers. contact: New Mexico Environmental Law Center, Santa Fe, New Mexico
This effort was paralleled by previous work I conducted for the same indigenous communities, centered around the UNESCO World Heritage Site Chaco Canyon, to prevent the oil and gas industry from continuing their widespread practice of simply pouring their contaminated waste products directly into the ground (thereby contaminating soil and groundwater). In that case my testimony withstood challenges by several opposing experts from several consulting firms, resulting in regulations that applied additional safeguards to disposal practices within that region. contact: Southwest Research and Information Center, Albuquerque, NM since the time of this major testimony, no oil and gas operatives are permitted to directly dispose of produced brines into unlined pits anywhere in New Mexico.
Long Term Hydrological Forecasting of Santa Fe River. Based on original research, I produced a 5 year advance forecast of Santa Fe River flows for the City of Santa Fe Water Division. The forecast, 4 years on has been accurate and notably projected an initial multi-year period of increasing moisture, while mainstream climate projections did not. Updates are provided at this site or contact the division
Selected publications and more:
Wallace, M.G. 2024 The Solar Driven Hydrospheric Manifold Satellite and ocean reanalysis products map solar contributions to the global climatologically scaled circulation of water, energy, ozone, and carbon dioxide 2024 NASA JPL AIRS/Sounder Science Team Meeting Hotel Dena, Pasadena, California Friday, September 27, 2024
Wallace, M.G. 2022 Meridional Explorations of Water Vapor, Ozone, and Carbon Dioxide via Satellite Resources. Invited presentation for NASA AIRS Sounder Science Team meeting (10-12, May 2022) at NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), Pasadena California.
Wallace, M.G., Wang, Y. 2021. Pollen antigens and atmospheric circulation driven seasonal respiratory viral outbreak and its implication to the Covid-19 pandemic. NATURE Sci Rep 11, 16945 (2021). open access publication now available here.
Lüdecke, H-J., Plath, G.M., Wallace, M.G, and Lüning, S. 2021. Decadal and multidecadal natural variability of African rainfall Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies 34 (2021) 100795
Wallace, M.G., and Wang, Y. 2020 Big-Data-Driven Geo-Spatiotemporal Correlation Analysis between Precursor Pollen and Influenza and its Implication to Novel Coronavirus Outbreak SANDIA REPORT SAND2020-9593
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, October, 2019. Environmental Assessment for the Proposed Renewal of Source Material License SUB-526. Metropolis Works Uranium Conversion Facility (Massac County, Illinois). Honeywell International, Inc. Docket No. 0404-03392. ML 19273A012. (contributing earth sciences author through SC&A).
Wallace, M.G., 2019, Application of lagged correlations between solar cycles and hydrosphere components towards sub-decadal forecasts of streamflows in the Western US. Hydrological Sciences Journal Volume 64 Issue 2. doi: 10.1080/02626667.2019.
Wallace, M.G., 2017, Advances in Forecasting Flows of the Animas River and Other Streams in the Western US 2nd Annual Conference on Environmental Conditions of the Animas and San Juan Watersheds with Emphasis on Gold King Mine and Other Mine Waste Issues. New Mexico Water Resources Research Institute (NMWRRI). June 20-22, Farmington, NM Download partial presentation (without animations) Here: Final
Wallace, M.G., 2017, “The Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO) climate index. Invited presentation to Groundwater Management District Associations (GMDA) Summer Conference for May 25, 2017. Download Program Here: Final
My work on PDO and streamflow correlations in Western U.S. was cited by the US Dept. of the Interior in the memorandum: “Final Biological and Conference Opinion for Bureau of Reclamation, Bureau of Indian Affairs, and Non-Federal Water Management and Maintenance Activities on the Middle Rio Grande, New Mexico” Fish and Wildlife Service at file
Wallace, M.G., 2016, Independent Technical Review of a stochastic hydrogeologic performance assessment component relating to an underground geologic repository for a federally regulated disposal project.
Wallace, M.G., 2016 Private Report on Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) hydrogeology and hydrogeochemistry for the Jurong Rock Cavern Project in Singapore.
Wallace, M.G., 2016, Ocean and Solar Based Climate Forecasts, invited presentation to Thirtieth Annual Rio Grande Basin Snowmelt Runoff Forecast Meeting, interagency annual climate meeting sponsored by United States Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service (USDA NRCS) with SNOTEL features. Albuquerque, NM April 12th, 2016
1998 I was the Art Director for the Calabacillas Arroyo project, which has won three independent design/engineering awards.
Wallace, M.G., 2016, Solar and Ocean Based Hydrologic Forecasts for the Animas River Leading to the end of 2022. Presentation at ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS OF THE ANIMAS AND SAN JUAN WATERSHEDS WITH EMPHASIS ON GOLD KING MINE AND OTHER MINE WASTE ISSUES May 17-19, 2016 San Juan College, Farmington, NM Sponsored by the New Mexico Water Resources Research Institute
Wallace, M.G., 2014, Impacts for Hydrologic Forecasting from Correlations of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) to Major New Mexico Watersheds. New Mexico Mining Association, 2014 Santa Fe, NM.
Wallace, M.G., C. Johnson, and J. Love, 2014, Potential Correlations of Historical Otowi Gage Sediment and Water Flows to Upstream Groundwater Management Practices. presentation at National Ground Water Association (NGWA) Conference on Hydrology and Water Scarcity in the Rio Grande Basin, February 25-26, 2014
Wallace, M. G., 2011. “Comparisons of the Quantification of Hydro-Climatologic Uncertainties in Recent Risk Assessments Affecting Basin Scale and Global Scale Hydrologic Phenomena,” poster presented at the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 5–9.
Wallace, M. G. and J. D. Osnes, 2011. Tidal Calculations to Assess Confining Properties of Marine Sediments Overlying a Cavern Rock Project, RSI-2175, prepared by RESPEC, Albuquerque, NM, for PB Energy Storage Services, Inc., Houston, TX.
Marani, M., G. Grossi, F. Napolitano, M. Wallace, and D. Entekhabi, 1997, Forcing, Intermittency, and Land Surface Hydrological Partitioning, Water Resources Research, Vol. 33, No. 1, pages 167-175, Jan, 1997.
Wallace, M., 1995, Potential Impacts of Climate Change on Groundwater Flow and Transport Conditions in the Culebra Aquifer. Technical Report for Features, Events and Processes (FEP) package NS-8b. prepared for Sandia National Laboratories, WIPP Project
Corbet, T. and M. G. Wallace, 1993. Post Pleistocene Patterns of Shallow Groundwater Flow in the Delaware Basin, Southeastern New Mexico and West Texas, New Mexico Geological Society 44th Annual Field Conference and Guidebook, sponsored by the New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, Socorro, NM.
Expert consultant to U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Department of Defense), as a review panel member concerning a long-term regional groundwater flow model developed for the City of Gallup, New Mexico. This is popularly known as the G-22 Experts Panel. Hearing No. 99-003-OSE File No. G-22 and more.
EDUCATION I hold an MS in Nanoscience and Microsystems Engineering at the University of New Mexico (2019). I have an MS degree in Hydrology from the University of Arizona (1989) and a BS degree in Plant and Soil Science from Southern Illinois University.
2017, 2014 MW&A was recognized in appreciation of two presentations on climate, ocean cycles and correlations to the US Southwest hydrology at the New Mexico Mining Association Annual Convention in Albuquerque, and Santa Fe, NM.
2005 Serious Games Award, I was the principal investigator for this project, ultimately funded by the US DOE to employ a modern day video game engine, coupled with a Latin Hypercube Simulator (LHS) to produce a stochastic set of possible outcomes of scenarios in which volcano-meets-repository, based on the best analyses of an international team of volcanologists, physcists, rock mechanics simulators, and hazard quantification experts. Many thanks to all who contributed especially Harold Iuzzolino This NMITSA award program was cosponsored by Intel and Los Alamos National Laboratory.
2000 Technology Ventures Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of Lockheed Martin, Corp. awarded my startup company Global Haptics, Inc., a $10,000 Roadrunner Grant for best business plan, which I authored. The plan concerned a venture based on my patented invention of a tactile computer aided interface device known as an Orb. Citations to the Orb patents are now present in nearly 70 contemporary patents, including haptic inventions by Microsoft, Sony, Xerox, and Immersion Corp.
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