Hydroclimatology and Solar Explorations


Mike will run as Independent for US Congress NM District 1

If you are a resident of NM District 1, and want an end to partisan climate and pandemic interventions, along with a return to affordable energy and housing, consider the options and skills I’d like to bring to Washington. Mike’s Bio

From Jan-Jun 2024, I did not work to raise money and did not collect enough petitions. But I did craft a platform that continues to gather attention. I’ll let the page linger until the election. Voters can always write my name in the ballot.

original post follows:

My approach to this independent run is entirely based on the following platform, and I don’t expect to change it. Accordingly, I don’t see a specific need to raise money. I know that sounds unorthodox, but it also permits me to get on with my own work while voters consider the platform and my quals. I’ll reach out to give talks to groups of registered voters, until the nomination goal is reached, but for best clarity, the platform is running here online. Please share this URL, because in our post-pandemic times, online nominations are hygienically safer. 😀



I feel that we must ask specific questions in the wake of the Pandemic, or lockdowns and mandates will never go away. Through a federally funded study on seasonality of viruses, I had a license to scientifically interact with some of the players, and I learned about newly introduced testing regimes and promotions, which improperly swept aside decades of standard practice. Lockdowns were justified instead by that replacement, which never was designed to discriminate between the ill and contagious, and the healthy and non-contagious. Most importantly, this replacement of normal testing was never adequately disclosed to peers or public.

If elected as a lawmaker, and given my experience as a scientist who researched and published on information related to the pandemic, I would work to restore verifiable sentinel respiratory virus testing. I strongly believe that the restoration and continuous improvement of the CDC’s original testing protocols, known as the Right Size Roadmap (RSR) will be critical to ensure that adequate checks and balances against lockdowns and mandates will be restored, maintained and strengthened for all of us going forward.

The RSR detailed the best practices for monitoring the seasonal respiratory viruses which circulated through our communities.


I may agree with many that the northern hemisphere has been warming, but my views are grounded in my published research evidence that the Sun drives ENSO (La Niña and El Niño), which crosses into both hemispheres. Leaders and scientists improperly depart from due diligence to omit solar forcing of climate from the public. By claiming instead that fossil fuel activities are pushing our planet towards environmental collapse, partisan lawmakers are taxing and mandating our economy and our security into a downward spiral. To this day, they work hard in plain sight to reduce consumer access to normal cars and trucks, along with the affordable gasoline to fuel them. See ongoing NM HB 41 legislation.

My other published paper on Solar-ENSO forcing (2019) included predictions of NM river health, over a five year period, and those came true. Scientists and lobbyists who claim the Earth is threatened by fossil fuels have never published a response.

Publishing about solar-forcing-of-climate doesn’t make me right. But publishing was the right thing to do. Perhaps my run will motivate the global warming experts to communicate why they think solar forcing should be hidden from public climate work. Ironically, they assert that global warming impacts the most vulnerable populations. That couldn’t be more wrong. Instead, each of their climate mandates will lift the costs of living beyond the capacity of any working-class person to afford. Soon only the wealthy and those who happen to be earmarked for handouts will be able to limp forward.

It will be inconvenient for many voters to not have cars. But those are relatively small concerns in comparison to Climate & Energy Security, which promotes studies that have no oversight or checks or balances. I’m worried that unfalsifiable top-down Climate Security claims, might serve as the basis for international conflicts. The primary problem seems to stem from complexity-science (CS) notions practiced in our two National Laboratories, that don’t reflect best practices in the earth and environmental sciences.

I can speak to this from the inside and the outside, as a respectful peer, interested in the restoration of best scientific practices in climate science. I’m open to debate and have recently given an invited presentation to NASA JPL on my research*. The incumbent may not understand what I’m talking about, but again the Labs do, and New Mexicans have trusted these institutions for a long time. I’ll work to elevate the pandemic and climate change debate to get all to confront the green elephants in the room.

update May: MOTA proposal introduced on X. Models On Trial Act. On X I socialize about this distortion of normal best practices that is deeply wrinkled throughout the climate and pandemic research and management communities. I propose that every such model be put through the same wringers that all other valid scientific and engineering activities go through. Validate and be transparent about it. Let’s stop putting people on trial and put the models back on trial. That’s only where they’ve always belonged.

Smarter Economic Development. Take a drive along I25 through the downtown heart of NM District 1. Plenty of homeless encampments, but no construction cranes. Downtown development has been more rare than whooping cranes that used to grace our state. Maybe New Mexico is held back in part, because lawmakers have wrapped our policies around these twin pandemic and climate change axes. Much of what follows, from lockdowns, to car driving and on to national energy, water and security policies, seem to be distortions, based on “societal collapse” ideologies, that drive us all towards failure. I’d work to redirect with more attention and money to building careers and community.

On aspects of climate and energy I have extensive experience to cut through partisan bias. I’m concerned about the Hermits Peak Calf Canyon fire. It was ignited by Feds, then later blamed on Climate Change. A few $ Billion followed in handouts that have no clear disbursement target. Again ‘Complexity Science’ was deployed in decision -making for federal scientific plans such as the Hermits Peak burn plan.

I appreciate that many others have a different concept of sustainability than I do. The problem is that no one really knows what this means. Most who claim there is a climate crisis appear to informally rely on the “precautionary principle”. So far, we are expected to follow their precautionary principles, and their mandates for our behaviors. But I’m not unrealistic about human nature and appreciate the sentiment for having a “low carbon footprint’. I think we can prototype much less expensive ‘sustainability corridors’ that take the best of renewable and low footprint technologies, and try to maximize a social and economic stimulus. But first, we must address the current lack of due diligence, because that treads on our own precautionary principles about unmerited government social climate overreach. Take a deep breath, relax, and carry on with renewable innovations more on private dime, with reduced taxpayer involvement and less stoking of unmerited climate anxiety, if you can.


It is nearly as difficult for young wage earners to start on home ownership here as it is anywhere. If we want young people to have a stake in our future, we have to promote opportunities for a real stake in their future.

There’s no stake like an equity stake in housing. It literally connects people directly to communities. But equity is not a thing that investors easily part with. Investors must absorb risk to attain rewards: That’s how economies grow, when they grow. Investors include those who invest in apartment complexes. Sometimes the investors already may benefit from Fed incentives. But whatever the trickled down benefit to the renters, after helping to pay for the complex, the renters have no equity, and no stake.

When all is said and done, the young wage earners have less financial stake to keep them in any New Mexico community. Yet, imagine an apartment/housing complex, built or purchased by major investors, who participate in an incentive from Feds or States that makes purchase or build easier. Condition: A portion of each renter’s payments go towards a small minority equity stake.

How to get Investors to part with tiny but meaningful portion of equity for those who rent? By keeping major investors in driver’s seat. Let majority investors continue to decide when to sell, how to manage, everything as usual. But when units sold by Investors, all who paid rent, as minor co-owners, also benefit in a meaningful way.

  • Benefit to Investors, through the original INCENTIVE.
  • Benefit to Renters, through the chance to OWN something.
  • Benefit to Society, because more have a STAKE.

My proposal is simply modeled upon the concept of a stockholder in any corporation. Stockholders have a stake, but they don’t run the company. And to me at least, it makes no sense to squeeze younger families from a reasonable chance to join their home owning neighbors over time. Especially in a sluggish economy in a thinly populated state that seems intent on charging LA prices for housing and the rest.

I am willing to engage and work to craft legislation that offers a chance for many to begin to build an equity stake, through something innovative that avoids the usual handout solutions.


*Solar Forcing of New Mexico’s Water and Climate I present to water resources groups at times regarding my solar forcing of hydro-climate research. Since I started that a decade ago, my work has continued to develop. In 2022 I gave an invited presentation to NASA JPL in Pasadena, California. And now with other colleagues I am closing on a manuscript submission on a significant effort at mapping solar forcing throughout the hydrosphere. Groups of registered voters are welcome to invite me for a short and vivid graphic presentation that also relates to the political landscape, and includes time for Q&A (always plenty of that when I talk).














still interested?


The Right to Work. I can only share my perception and experiences as I begin the run. Unions that continue to promote training and related advancement might merge with evolving merit-based streams in the future.

The Right to Learn. The model of extraordinary debt for higher education doesn’t seem sustainable. And the current model of tenure often undermines accountability in teaching and research, adding to those costs and more. A return to merit-based teaching, along with Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools might merge with the benefits of on-campus learning to reduce costs, and increase both socialization and proficiencies of students to perform well in the working world. I will exercise my right to learn and try to advance on beneficial policy positions that improve socialization opportunities but don’t lead to unsustainable financial burdens on students or taxpayers.

The Right to Compete. Many States place unreasonable obstacles to professionals from other States to compete. The Interstate Commerce Clause may apply to level the playing field and save money for consumers and taxpayers. I’ll look into it.

Health Care. Pandemic lockdowns, vaccines, mandates, all show the down side of otherwise advancing and continually improving health care. AI is a topic I’ve worked on and is already transforming health care. But I’d like to see AI routinely raise awareness of other possibilities to any given diagnosis. No single doctor or medical text can consolidate all medical information, and mistakes are a minefield for them to navigate. This is happening anyway but lawmakers can influence outcomes for benefit of all.

I’m not an anti-vaxxer by the way. But I’m pro-testing. A vital component of vaccine development and testing, and of global respiratory virus sentinel surveillance has been omitted from best practices without disclosure. That is the statistically significant use of animal challenge testing (ACT). ACT in this role is an anchor for the most accurate tracking of who is sick and contagious with a respiratory virus. All promotions regarding the pandemic must trace to accurate testing, or we can never be sure of what or which virus is attributed. Without this verification step, future lockdowns seem likely to me. As a scientist, I’ve published on the global circulation of seasonal respiratory viruses. That work has helped inform my perspectives greatly.

The Right to Socialize. To socialize in person. To play sports, visit friends and family, go to school and work. Everything. Lockdowns only were able to take hold because of the cancellation of viral surveillance (RSR, see very top of this platform). Your life was forever impacted, and you may always remember the anxiety along with the arbitrary restrictions everywhere you went, indoors or outdoors. You might hope or even pray that this never happens again. I don’t see any reason for that optimism. As a lawmaker, I could work to add teeth to our right to socialize, since it is also in our Bill of Rights.

I support both reproductive rights and 2nd Amendment rights. Voters shouldn’t have to choose between these options. I’m cautious of excesses on both sides. I can share.

I’m interested in helping to empower people and to address concerns of mental illness, homelessness, poverty, and undocumented migration. I support secure borders and wouldn’t oppose the completion of the Wall. But I also am interested to know much the resilience of our social security system depends on the contributions of millions of migrants. They pay into it, propping those funds even as they wish to blend in and contribute. Many tangled problems which have challenged lawmakers perpetually, but I also think we should consider ourselves somewhat lucky that so many want to join us here. What other rival great power can claim the same? I think there is great opportunity more than anything. I will engage and study and try to help navigate forward. Current Senate proposal is bipartisan, seems interesting!

Come visit me on X, where I’m far more spontaneous.

Complexity Science (CS). Complexity Science is not a real science. But it has been adopted by national laboratory institutions. Objective studies of climate change have been replaced with CS-based work that seems to argue that climate change is our nation’s number one security challenge. The labs cannot summon the will to discuss, and so I am motivated to shine a light. For example, CS deserves all of the credit for the epic Hermits Peak fire in Northern New Mexico. It was cited in the guiding USFS burn plan dozens of times. Yet, after the epic blaze, the fire was instead blamed by lawmakers on Climate Change, and billions followed.

CS played a role in pandemic promotions as well. The Santa Fe Institute (SFI) is the center of all things CS. And that non-accredited school was funded in part by Jeffrey Epstein. Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell were ambitious in regard to promoting climate change and ocean acidification concerns, including here in New Mexico it seems, where they maintained connections. And although those actors are not in public eye, their social and climate collapse promotions continue without restraint. I try to reason and explore this with scientists through channels formal and informal. If a more public light is finally shown on this, then perhaps can close a chapter on CS and the fearful policies it leads to.

complexity science pandemic promotion by Santa Fe Institute. We both can’t be right.

Water & Natural Resources and more topics.

I’m first and foremost a water resources expert, who has worked on projects through New Mexico. I’ll compare my skills and contributions to the Democratic incumbent, who seems to claim a lot of scientific expertise in this field. I’ve interacted with New Mexico’s leading water resources, water rights, environmental, energy, and mining agencies and actors throughout my career. Also, flood control and irrigation districts. I’m not merely familiar with these topics, I’m engaged. I’m especially engaged with the major watersheds of District 1. My published and accurate solar-based forecasts included several for the upper Pecos watershed in this domain.

I always focus on reproducibility so am often at odds with those who promote unproven projects. My interventions once helped to curtail a proposed ~half-billion dollar sanitary sewage treatment system. Albuquerque sits on a vast high-quality aquifer and has additional water from San Juan – Chama Project. But Climate Change promoters, aligned with big business, sought to misrepresent the state of our resource, claiming that Albuquerque would dry up our aquifer in a few more decades. They wanted ultimately and literally for us to drink our own treated urine. I challenged that at further career risk. Was worth it, and no agency or actor has been interested to audit such proposals since. I’d work to promote audits of best practices for all public earth science and water resources proposals.

Visit my bio for some examples including unsolicited awards from New Mexico organizations in software, engineering, arts, and environmental justice. I’ve also raised my family here, and I care about the challenges of home ownership for young families. Earlier I featured my idea to work within free market to empower more participation in home ownership than ever before. I’m motivated because of my numerous experiences with every section of New Mexico’s communities, whether supporting clean, accessible and affordable water for Navajo communities or engaging with scores of teachers and their hundreds of students from some of the poorest to wealthiest neighborhoods of Albuquerque to collaborate on one of New Mexico’s largest and most beloved public art projects, the Calabacillas Arroyo.

More Water Features for District 1 Core?

Albuquerque’s fabled Route 66 corridor and downtown tilt ever more steeply towards core decay, even as bits and pieces continue to thrive. Every resident who votes can see that. But there seems another way to revitalize that never gets traction. Water features. For my part, I learned a great deal working with AMAFCA’s flood control hydrologists and engineers, and continued to pay attention to the diverse factors of water that play throughout District 1 and beyond. I do believe Albuquerque has the potential to support epic water features for the benefits of all citizens. It would take a congress person to help open doors to that exploration. From whitewater, to sailing lakes, to river walks, right in the city, it is all possible. Yes, will require real bosque soul-searching, and uphill battles in many other aspects.

Consider comparing this vision (which many already share), with the ongoing pogrom against automobiles. I joke on X that the NM HB41 bill will lead to us all living in tents and riding bicycles and buses. So, that’s the comparison for future visions. Mike’s: MLFA: More Lakes For Albuquerque. Lets push for more abundant water recreation and associated prosperity. The other candidates: District 1 core an impoverished tent city with only bicycles and free busing.

This is a good time to remind that I still need lots of online signatures. Petition – Electronic Petitions (

family portrait when Calabacillas Arroyo art project was in progress.

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