Quasi Geostrophic (QG) theory provides a foundation for visualization of global hydroclimate and related patterns.  In QG space, flow vectors are generally parallel to isocontours of Z.  In part because of their capture of equatorial convection signatures, QG mapping has aided in our time series forecasting of hydrology of selected regions around the planet, from the Indian Ocean to North America and from cyclones to droughts.


Finally a quarterly profile for the ending year, 2014, of the ERA Interim set I evaluated.  Top January, 2nd April, 3rd July, 4th October.   Additional details available with initial consultation.



work in progress;



Source from ERA Interim products 1979-2014.  http://www.cgd.ucar.edu/cas/catalog/newbudgets/index.html#ERBEFs


Some comparisons between climate forecasts and climate observations may be best facilitated by reproducible guidelines as contained in this white paper we offer for sale at StochAtlas 2017.

copyright michael wallace 2017

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