Hydroclimatology and Solar Explorations

Climate Forecasts & Predictions, Subscribers Only

MW&A Hydrologic Forecast for end of 2015 (published Q1 2015)

A new quarterly issue of our hydrologic forecast service is now available to subscribers.  This issue covers all of the US Southwest streams as our 2014 forecast series, with the addition of a new stream, the Pecos near Pecos station in Northern New Mexico.

The first image is an example forecast product covering the Otowi Gage in the Upper Rio Grande of New Mexico. The second image simply shows the qualitative fits between two of the regression products to the time series.


MW&A applies our unique approach, grounded in best stochastic hydrologic practices, in producing these forecasts, and in analyzing past forecasts and forecasts by others.  MW&A makes no further representations on forecast performance or accuracy.  Buyers are cautioned and advised to treat all hydroclimatologic forecasts as exercises which although based on quantifiable data, are nonetheless subject to extensive uncertainty.

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